Teen Role Models: The Need For Positive Self Imaging

A close up of Spiderman and Iron Man toy figures. This could represent teen role models cultivated after teenage counseling in Huntsville, AL. Learn more about counseling for teens in Huntsville, AL today.

A role model is a person that is looked to by others as an example to imitate. Teens are very impressionable and are learning their place in the world. Those role models aid in shaping their minds, behaviors, desires, etc.

Role models are instrumental in a teen’s development. Positive role models help teenagers navigate those trying years, develop career aspirations, and support educational goals. Unfortunately, not all role models are positive. Some individuals that teenager looks up to can motivate them towards unhealthy behaviors. These can be anything from bullying, dismissing their education to even substance abuse.

How Do Teens Choose Their Role Models?

A teen smiles while laying on her bed with a tablet. Learn how a counselor for teens in Huntsivlle, AL can offer support with teenage counseling in Huntsville, AL. Learn more about counseling for teens in Huntsville, AL and other services today.As teens transition into adulthood, they look to others as a guide that will provide ways to respond to life challenges. Through their role models, teens learn ways to achieve goals, set boundaries, and what is considered socially acceptable behavior. In addition, the person, or people they choose, is vital in developing a self-identity separate from their parents. Understanding how and why role models influence teens so much will better equip us to support them on their journeys toward adulthood.

Society and the communities your teen is a part of heavily influence different aspects of their life. These people are usually other adults or even their peers. They are beginning to understand their likes and dislikes and how they want the world to view them. Teens are looking for individuals to emulate that represent them in some way.

As teens develop their sense of self, they operate in either a growth or prevention mindset.

A growth mindset is when they see themselves as active learners and achievers. They set and accomplish goals with hard work and perseverance. This mindset encourages teens to strive for their dreams and ignite the best versions of themselves.

As one would suspect, the prevention mindset is that of the opposite. When teenagers approach life with a fixation on preventing disasters and avoiding adverse outcomes, they rely on avoidance strategies. They attempt to get as far as possible away from situations that are causing or could cause problems in their lives.

The prevention mindset causes teens to try and take the easy way out. This particular strategy might include things like cheating on tests, lying unnecessarily, or using drugs and alcohol to escape the challenges of life.

A person poses dressed as Aquaman for the camera. Learn how counseling for teens in Huntsville, AL can help your teen create strong role models. Learn more about counseling for teens in Huntsville, AL, and other services today.

Who Should Be A Role Model For Your Teen?

In this day in age, teenage influence spews from all over the place. These places could be the music and entertainment industry, friends, family members, school, religion, and, the biggest of all, social media. As a result, teens have multiple influences in their lives. Most teens usually mention family, coaches, pastors, and teachers as their first role models. These are typically individuals that they admire and maintain a personal connection, friendship, or interaction with.

Once they have expressed admiration for the people they know, teens will move down the line to individuals they do not have personal relationships with. These are usually the athletes, entertainers, business moguls, artists, or those who have excelled in their chosen career fields.

The role models in your teen’s life should emulate the “growth mindset.” They should encourage your teen to continuously grow, set goals, and become an upstanding citizen once they enter society as an adult.

A student stands at a blackboard with the teacher in front of the class. Learn how a counselor for teens in Huntsville, AL can offer support with teenage counseling in Huntsville, AL. Learn more about counseling for teens in Huntsville, AL and other services today.

How Can You Help Your Teen Identify Positive Role Models?

There is no clear-cut way to help your teen find a positive role model. It is even more difficult to assist them in this area if they have adopted a prevention mindset. Instilling the growth mindset into your teens during their younger years is vital. Doing this while they are young will model for them the types of individuals they should want to reflect them.

Here are a few ways you can encourage a growth mindset in your teens:

Don’t be afraid to let them make mistakes and fail. Teach your teen that failure is often necessary for success. Being fearful of the unknown and failure is a surefire way to have your teen sink into the prevention mindset. When you get wrong answers or make mistakes, that is when most learning happens. Encourage your teen to see the positive side of getting things wrong so they do not fear it.

Discuss and nurture the things identified as “inner strengths.” Inner strengths include resourcefulness, curiosity, resilience, empathy, leadership, problem-solving, etc. Cultivating teens’ inner strengths during their younger years encourages them to flourish in adulthood.

Encourage your teen to develop a sense of initiative about themselves and their life. This skill will support them in directing attention and efforts toward things they find challenging.

Begin Working With A Counselor for Teens in Huntsville, AL

Your teen can experience many challenges as they grow into adulthood. Our team of caring therapists would be honored to support you and your teen. If you need more information or are ready to begin counseling services with Aspire Counseling, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact Aspire Counseling 
  2. Meet with a caring counselor for teens
  3. Start receiving the support your teen deserves

Other Services Offered with Aspire Counseling

Therapy for teenagers isn’t the only service our team offers. We know that there are multiple mental health concerns you may experience. We also offer marriage and couples counseling, individual counseling, anger management therapy, anger management classes, and depression therapy. Also, we offer support with continuing education, overcoming eating disorders, and offer online clinical supervision for social workers. Visit our blog or FAQ for more helpful info! If you need more information about our rates, accepted insurance, and services or are ready to begin counseling services, please do not hesitate to call or visit our blog for more information.

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Huntsville, AL 35806

(256) 212-0567

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