Does My Teenager Need Counseling?
In today’s society, it is hard to discover if your teenager is in need of counseling or just acting out as teens do. Children are exposed to much more than in the prior years as an adolescent. As a result, parents often see their teenager’s behavior fluctuate. Maybe they’re just acting out, and as they get older, it will pass. Perhaps she’s just sad because she and her boyfriend broke up, but she’ll get over it. But are they transitioning through the different stages of development, or is there more to it?
We all know teenagers are riding on an emotional rollercoaster as they constantly develop into adulthood. Although they struggle with the simple day-to-day hiccups of life, there are also genuine issues that they may face. Unfortunately, teenagers’ real-life problems have doubled over the years. Bullying in school or online, academic pressure, building and maintaining substantial relationships, peer pressure, identity crisis, parents are divorcing, and family death. The list could go on. All of these, and so many more, are burdensome for teenagers. But unfortunately, not all teens are adequately equipped to cope with them.
Understanding and being in sync with your teen can be a difficult task. But if you are wondering if your teenager needs to seek counseling, trust your gut. No one knows your child the way that you would.
Signs To Look For In Your Teenager
1. A rapid decline in their grades.
This is a perfect sign that is easily identifiable with parents and teachers. Whether your teenager is an academic all-star or an average student, their grades falling can be considered a warning sign. Of course, grades fluctuate, and students struggle with some things more than others, but when the decline becomes steep, there may be something else happening.
2. Sudden change in friends.
With teenagers, friend circles are essential in development. This is a typical way for them to identify with the person they want to become. Knowing your child’s friend circle helps you stay in the loop if there are sudden changes so that you can be aware of how it affects them. Are they angry with their friends? Are their friends angry with them? Have they been isolating themselves from others? Have they suddenly stopped showing interest in the things that excited them?
3. Drastic changes in eating or sleeping habits.
Routines and habits develop over time. If your teen’s eating and sleeping habits suddenly change without explanation, that is a warning for concern. Studies have shown that these behaviors are linked to depression and may be a sign that counseling is needed.
4. Extreme mood swings.
It is considered normal for teenagers to experience “moodiness” due to hormonal changes. Sudden and severe shifts from their typical behavior could mean much more than the average teen experience. One of the most significant tell-tell signs of bipolar disorder is the drastic shift from mania to depression.
5. They are constantly discussing the idea of death.
The sudden interest in death and harming themselves or others are immediate warning signs to seek counseling for your teenager. According to the National Alliance of Mental Illness, suicide is the second-leading cause of death among teenagers and young adults in the United States. Nearly 20% of high school students have reported severe thoughts of suicide, and 9% have actually attempted to take their own lives. Never dismiss the thoughts of a teenager obsessed with death or the idea of it. This is a deafening cry for help.
Seeking Counseling Services For Your Child?
If you are considering seeking counseling for your teen, there are a few things that you should expect. First, talk with your teen to prepare them for what is to come. It helps if the teen knows what to expect in therapy, which helps reduce anxiety. The sessions could be conducted one-on-one, with family members present, or a mix of both.
Explain to your teen that you believe they will gain valuable tips from talking with a counselor and that anything they say during their sessions will remain confidential. This will ensure them that it is a safe space to open up and be authentic when discussing what problems they are truly facing. Parents asking the questions simply show concern for their child’s well-being. If you believe your teen would benefit from therapy after reading this, go ahead and take that next step.
Begin Counseling for Teens in Huntsville, AL
We are honored to provide counseling and coaching services for teenagers and adolescents here are Aspire Counseling and Consulting Services. We have a fantastic team of clinicians and counselors to help you with a variety of mental health concerns. I hope that this has been helpful, and have a blessed day. To start your therapy journey, please follow these simple steps:
- Contact Aspire Counseling
- Meet with a caring counselor for teens
- Start receiving the support you deserve!
Other Services Offered With Aspire Counseling
Our team of counselors understands that you or your teen may experience a variety of mental health concerns. This is why we are happy to offer multiple services in support of your mental health. Other services offered include marriage and couples counseling, individual counseling, anger management therapy, anger management classes, and depression therapy. We also offer support with continuing education, overcoming eating disorders, and offer online clinical supervision for social workers. Please feel free to visit our blog or FAQ for more helpful info!
About the Author
Choya Wise is the director and founder of Aspire Counseling and Consulting Services. He uses his passion to serve in order to help support families and individuals alike. Choya works to build more effective communication in relationships and cultivate intimacy for a healthier, more loving relationship.