
Top 5 Reasons Why A Marriage Fails

couple arguing while sitting on a bench outside. They are both upset after having a difficult discussion about finances and infidelity.

Marriage is a lifelong commitment between two individuals. While they may enjoy pleasant moments together, there is always a possibility that they could encounter numerous challenges that may even lead to the breakdown of a marriage.   Couples must understand the challenges that fall their way so they can seek the required guidance to build and sustain the marriage. 5...[ read more ]

Top 5 Reasons Effective Communication is Important in Marriage

couple reconnecting with a warm embrace represents how counselors in alabama can help guide couples back into the right direction

Effective communication is an essential part of all healthy relationships. However, when life gets busy and stressful, miscommunication and misunderstandings also increase. So, to build a healthy relationship, a married couple should possess good communication skills to convey their heart feelings effectively.  Marriage is a covenant between God and the couple. Communication is the key to maintaining this beautiful bond. Many...[ read more ]

Why Narcissists Come Back After Leaving You?

Woman walking away from her narcissistic partner starting fights to gain control. This represents how narcissists always return for more abuse.

Do you think narcissists care about you when they come back? The answer is simple: no. A narcissist comes back because they want to maintain their power over you and control you as long as possible. Many people are in Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) relationships, but they don’t know until they see its signs. A person with NPD has an exaggerated sense...[ read more ]

Infidelity: How Therapy Can Help Couples Rebuild Trust

Betrayal spelled out in scrabble letters.

Infidelity is one of the worst things that could happen to anyone in a relationship. The breach of trust can sometimes feel even worse than physical pain. The psychological impact is even worse. Studies show that both parties later experience less happiness in future relationships as they carry trust issues and emotional scars. However, it doesn’t always have to end this way...[ read more ]

Emotional Abuse: Recognizing The Signs In Marriage

Woman is walking away from man that is dismissing her emotions. This represents a tactic of emotional abuse used in relationships that marriage counselors in Huntsville, Alabama can help you recognize and break out of.

Emotional abuse within marriages and relationships often operates covertly, making it crucial to recognize the signs early on. Unlike physical abuse, emotional abuse can be harder to detect as it doesn't leave visible scars. Instead, it chips away at a person's self-esteem, sense of worth, and autonomy. Tactics such as gaslighting, manipulation, and shaming are common in emotionally abusive relationships....[ read more ]

Maintain The Progress: Expert Tips For After Couples Therapy

A woman hugs a man while he kisses her cheek. This represents a healthy couple that has completed marriage counseling with therapists in Huntsville, Al, and continuing to thrive afterwards.

Congratulations! You have completed marriage counseling or couples therapy. You have taken a positive step towards improving your relationship and resolving your issues. However, your journey does not end here. Being able to maintain the progress you made in therapy is equally as important as achieving it in the first place. In this blog post, I will share some tips...[ read more ]

Narcissists In Relationships

Dating can be magical or hellish, depending on the person you fall in love with. Sometimes, we end up with self-absorbed narcissists. Also, it's difficult to tell during the first few months of your relationship since you're fascinated and filled with awe for your lover.  However, as time passes, you begin to notice traits that make you uncomfortable. This feeling...[ read more ]

Effective Communication In Marriage

One of the best things about marriage is the comfort of simply being yourself. Sometimes, too much comfort can create a problem. Disagreements in marriage are common occurrences, and they can occasionally spark arguments. It's important to remember that they can also be an opportunity for growth and understanding. But that growth only develops when effective communication is at play. Effective...[ read more ]

Healthy Marriage: 8 Tips To Keep It Alive

Everyone loves a good 'Rom-Com.' A beautiful couple meets unexpectedly, falls madly in love, and lives happily ever after! Well, we also know that those stories and happily ever afters are for fairy tales. This does not mean that real couples do not know the joys of happiness and bliss. Marriage is not as predictable as movies make it seem,...[ read more ]

Technology and Marriage: Living In The “Digital Age”

Maintaining a connection within a marriage or relationship can be difficult. Throw in technology, and it can become much harder. Have you ever noticed how often you and your spouse are physically around one another but completely absent mentally or emotionally? If you think back, how many of those instances were the two of you glued to a digital device?...[ read more ]

1955 Rideout Dr. Ste 400
Huntsville, AL 35806
(256) 212-0567

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