
How to Identify Narcissistic Traits in Your Partner?

man leans over and points at woman as if he is criticizing her. This represents the inability to feel compassion that narcissists display.

It is hard to identify narcissistic traits in your partner in the beginning stages of your relationship, but after some, you will be able to see some signs more clearly. People with narcissistic traits believe they are exceptional and different from others.  If your partner has narcissistic traits, you can see the most obvious signs in them, such as a...[ read more ]

Why Narcissists Come Back After Leaving You?

Woman walking away from her narcissistic partner starting fights to gain control. This represents how narcissists always return for more abuse.

Do you think narcissists care about you when they come back? The answer is simple: no. A narcissist comes back because they want to maintain their power over you and control you as long as possible. Many people are in Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) relationships, but they don’t know until they see its signs. A person with NPD has an exaggerated sense...[ read more ]

Narcissists In Relationships

Dating can be magical or hellish, depending on the person you fall in love with. Sometimes, we end up with self-absorbed narcissists. Also, it's difficult to tell during the first few months of your relationship since you're fascinated and filled with awe for your lover.  However, as time passes, you begin to notice traits that make you uncomfortable. This feeling...[ read more ]

4 Signs You’re Dating An Alcoholic

I want to speak with you today about how you determine if someone, yourself, or someone close to you, has an alcohol problem. I am going to reference some of the symptoms straight from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).  The DSM-5 is a manual used by mental health professionals to diagnose mental disorders.  There are a...[ read more ]

Why Narcissists Ignore You

  Have you ever met a narcissist? Are you familiar with narcissistic traits? I want to talk to you about a subject relative to the narcissist or people with narcissistic traits. There are a number of symptoms that describe someone who is narcissistic. I will briefly name just a few. These are the people who seem somewhat arrogant; they seem...[ read more ]

1955 Rideout Dr. Ste 400
Huntsville, AL 35806
(256) 212-0567

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