
Love Languages: Understanding Your Partner’s Needs

Communication is key! This phrase has always been a part of relationships and marriages. While verbal communication allows you to express your thoughts and feelings, learning how your partner shows and receives love helps you physically display how much you care. Yes, we're talking about the love languages! Understanding your partner's love language is essential to building and sustaining a...[ read more ]

Are You Playing the Blame Game? Here’s Why You Need to Stop

Blame and game – two words that should never be joined together. The truth is, the blame game is no fun to play and there are never any winners. And, perhaps, the biggest loser of all is the one who is doing all the blaming. When we blame others, we lose our power. Remaining stuck in our feelings of anger,...[ read more ]

Is My Marriage The Cause of My Depression

A photo of a married couple in distress. Marriage counseling in huntsville, Al can support with couples counseling. Learn how the support of a online marriage counselor in alabama can support you today

“Marriage isn’t a bed of roses” is a true statement. Some days, you and your partner will be on the best terms, and the relationship will feel easygoing. On other days, you and your spouse will disagree and feel upset with one another. Fortunately, these are pretty standard parts of a marriage. When things are really challenging, you or your...[ read more ]

Feeling Disconnected? Here are 3 Ways to Reconnect

Thanks to Hollywood, many couples have been led to believe the secret to reconnecting and rekindling the passion is through a Caribbean cruise, sports cars, or jewelry. But the reality is, once there’s a disconnect between partners, gifts and vacations simply won’t cut it.It may seem counterintuitive, but love is mended not through grandiose deeds, but through small acts of...[ read more ]

5 Important Relationship Questions You Need to Answer

A couple hugs while smiling at each other. Learn how to have a happy relationship. Learn how to have a happy marriage in huntsville Alabama. Get couples therapy in huntsville, Al. Get online therapy in Alabama from Aspire Counseling and Consulting Services. Learn how couples therapy in huntsville, al.

You’ve probably heard this a thousand times, but here it is again: Relationships are tough and they require constant work. You and your partner have to be ready to put in the work every single day, and one way to do this is through constant evaluation of your relationship. Here is a list of some important questions to answer both...[ read more ]

How Much Privacy Should I Have In My Marriage?

    When you first meet your spouse, you are two individuals getting to know one another. You learn each other's communication styles, strengths, weaknesses, preferences, likes, dislikes, etc. Unfortunately, one of the things people tend to skate over is boundaries and their idea of privacy. Often, married couples become so adjacent to one another that they lose their sense...[ read more ]

Coping Strategies for 3 Common Major Life Changes You’ll Likely Face

Newly married couple unpacking bags. Find a therapist near me who provides in person and online marriage counseling in alabama. Learn how to build intimacy by receiving marriage therapy in huntsville.

From buying a new home, to getting married, most individuals experience a host of major changes throughout their lifetime.  Feeling nervous during these changes is understandable, but sometimes the stress can become overbearing.  We start having an impact on one’s mental health. In this article by Aspire Counseling and Consulting Services, we’ll explore a host of strategies individuals can implement...[ read more ]

Couples: How to Regulate Yourself During Difficult Conversations

couple arguing outside by the fence. Example of a couple in need of marriage counseling huntsville al. Find an online marriage counseling in alabama

Sharing your life with someone means having open and honest conversations, even when those conversations are a bit difficult. But that’s easier said than done. Understanding how to regulate yourself during difficult conversations can be extremely tough.   During hard conversations, it’s common for many people to become triggered by something their partner has said. Calm one moment, but the...[ read more ]

Tired of People Pleasing and Codependency?

woman holds up hand with stop written on it. Speak with a huntsville marriage counseling. Speak with someone who provides marriage counseling huntsville al. Get support from a black therapist in huntsville, Al.

  Today, I want to speak with you on the topic of being tired of people-pleasing.  Have you discovered that in your relationships with others, either now or in the past, there were a few too many instances of people-pleasing?  Are you at the point where you’re just fed up? You may find yourself saying, “I'm done with this, I...[ read more ]

A Message To The Codependents

I'm so excited to share with you this thought that came to me this morning! This one is a message to the codependents and those in relationships with codependents. My codependents out there: You’ve got to check yourself before you wreck yourself! Yes, you heard me, check yourself before you wreck yourself! All jokes aside, here are a few nuggets...[ read more ]

1955 Rideout Dr. Ste 400
Huntsville, AL 35806
(256) 212-0567

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