
How to Find an African American Therapist

black female therapist counseling an African American man. Find a black and African American therapist in Huntsville Alabama near you

An African American therapist can help Black Americans feel more secure, at ease, and trustworthy. This results in more productive therapy sessions. It might be hard to find the proper therapist, particularly if you want someone who is sensitive to your unique experiences and has a similar cultural background.    This post will discuss the value of cultural sensitivity in...[ read more ]

Overcoming The Stigma of Therapy in The Black Community

Three African Americans smiling and laughing. This represents African Americans that have experienced a black therapists in Alabama and have learned to grow and thrive in society

Mental health stigma in the Black community is a pervasive barrier to seeking therapy, particularly for marital issues. Most African Americans have historically rooted misconceptions, leading them to label mental illness as a weakness. This stigma can also strain marriages, as couples may avoid therapy so as not to appear vulnerable or flawed. Alarmingly, a 1990s survey revealed that 63%...[ read more ]

A Guide to Supporting Black Youth in Therapy

A young black girl stand in the center of the photo with her head down while two people outside the shot are showing hands fussing at her. This symbolizes the stressors that black youth face daily and the need for therapy.

Black youth face many challenges that affect their mental health and well-being, such as racism, discrimination, poverty, and trauma. Despite this problem, they are less likely to receive adequate and culturally responsive mental health care than their white peers.  This unavailability of proper mental health care for black youth is due to the stigma in the community where therapy is...[ read more ]

African-American Therapists: Believing in Better Health

Are you looking for a therapist that understands you "culturally"? Did you have an experience where you've felt unseen or unheard when dealing with healthcare? These are questions that most African Americans face when confronting conversations about mental health and wellness.  How African-American Therapists Can Make A Difference Therapy provides a safe space to talk through your thoughts and feelings...[ read more ]

1955 Rideout Dr. Ste 400
Huntsville, AL 35806
(256) 212-0567

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