
10 Tips For Parenting A Child With ADHD

mother talking to teen with adhd .

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, more commonly known as ADHD, is a chronic condition that affects millions of children and may continue into adulthood. ADHD includes persistent problems such as impulsive behavior, hyperactivity, and difficulty sustaining attention. Symptoms of ADHD in children Every child is unique. Conditions like ADHD, Autism, or Down Syndrome should not only be a label.   Some...[ read more ]

How to Find an African American Therapist

black female therapist counseling an African American man. Find a black and African American therapist in Huntsville Alabama near you

An African American therapist can help Black Americans feel more secure, at ease, and trustworthy. This results in more productive therapy sessions. It might be hard to find the proper therapist, particularly if you want someone who is sensitive to your unique experiences and has a similar cultural background.    This post will discuss the value of cultural sensitivity in...[ read more ]

How To Survive Infidelity

Woman stares at wedding ring after experiencing infideloity. This represents the difficult strain it places on relationships and how counselors in huntsville, alabama can help.

Do you know that infidelity has a major effect on relationships? Well, that is because the healing process can be difficult to navigate after a violation of trust. This article seeks to give couples who are devoted to repairing their relationship a professional and educational approach to surviving infidelity, along with advice and support. What is Infidelity A complex problem,...[ read more ]

Top 5 Reasons Effective Communication is Important in Marriage

couple reconnecting with a warm embrace represents how counselors in alabama can help guide couples back into the right direction

Effective communication is an essential part of all healthy relationships. However, when life gets busy and stressful, miscommunication and misunderstandings also increase. So, to build a healthy relationship, a married couple should possess good communication skills to convey their heart feelings effectively.  Marriage is a covenant between God and the couple. Communication is the key to maintaining this beautiful bond. Many...[ read more ]

Why Narcissists Come Back After Leaving You?

Woman walking away from her narcissistic partner starting fights to gain control. This represents how narcissists always return for more abuse.

Do you think narcissists care about you when they come back? The answer is simple: no. A narcissist comes back because they want to maintain their power over you and control you as long as possible. Many people are in Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) relationships, but they don’t know until they see its signs. A person with NPD has an exaggerated sense...[ read more ]

Infidelity: How Therapy Can Help Couples Rebuild Trust

Betrayal spelled out in scrabble letters.

Infidelity is one of the worst things that could happen to anyone in a relationship. The breach of trust can sometimes feel even worse than physical pain. The psychological impact is even worse. Studies show that both parties later experience less happiness in future relationships as they carry trust issues and emotional scars. However, it doesn’t always have to end this way...[ read more ]

Overcoming The Stigma of Therapy in The Black Community

Three African Americans smiling and laughing. This represents African Americans that have experienced a black therapists in Alabama and have learned to grow and thrive in society

Mental health stigma in the Black community is a pervasive barrier to seeking therapy, particularly for marital issues. Most African Americans have historically rooted misconceptions, leading them to label mental illness as a weakness. This stigma can also strain marriages, as couples may avoid therapy so as not to appear vulnerable or flawed. Alarmingly, a 1990s survey revealed that 63%...[ read more ]

Emotional Abuse: Recognizing The Signs In Marriage

Woman is walking away from man that is dismissing her emotions. This represents a tactic of emotional abuse used in relationships that marriage counselors in Huntsville, Alabama can help you recognize and break out of.

Emotional abuse within marriages and relationships often operates covertly, making it crucial to recognize the signs early on. Unlike physical abuse, emotional abuse can be harder to detect as it doesn't leave visible scars. Instead, it chips away at a person's self-esteem, sense of worth, and autonomy. Tactics such as gaslighting, manipulation, and shaming are common in emotionally abusive relationships....[ read more ]

CEU Requirements for Alabama Social Workers

Students gather around a laptop in the library. This represents the flexibility that a remote course could offer individuals interested in joining the community of social workers in Alabama.

Hello, social workers of Alabama! In this blog I will address a crucial aspect of our profession: continuing education units (CEUs). Let's delve into the essentials of CEUs and ensure everyone stays informed. Firstly, it's vital to understand the required continuing education hours mandated by the Alabama Social Work Board of Examiners. Whether you're an LBSW (Licensed Bachelor Social Worker),...[ read more ]

A Guide to Supporting Black Youth in Therapy

A young black girl stand in the center of the photo with her head down while two people outside the shot are showing hands fussing at her. This symbolizes the stressors that black youth face daily and the need for therapy.

Black youth face many challenges that affect their mental health and well-being, such as racism, discrimination, poverty, and trauma. Despite this problem, they are less likely to receive adequate and culturally responsive mental health care than their white peers.  This unavailability of proper mental health care for black youth is due to the stigma in the community where therapy is...[ read more ]

1955 Rideout Dr. Ste 400
Huntsville, AL 35806
(256) 212-0567

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