
4 Tips To Overcome Fear In Marriage

Have you ever had the fear of failing your spouse in your marriage?  Have ever had the desire to overcome fear in marriage. It doesn't matter what type of relationship you are in, married or not, fear of failing the ones we love can negatively impact us in so many ways. Because of our need to please let’s say a...[ read more ]

Has Anxiety Been Making An Attack?

Have there been times when you have been pretty tough on yourself? Would you happen to be your worst critic? Truth be told, would you call yourself a perfectionist? And how are you doing with perceived failures? The things that we tell ourselves, about ourselves many times has originated from programming that we received long before we can remember. At...[ read more ]

I Need A Self-Esteem Upgrade

  The promotion you received, your colleague just got one better. The looks that you have, she’s cuter.  The house you just bought, your best friend closed on one bigger. It is so important to be very secure with your self-esteem and the material possessions you have because if you wait long enough, someone will show up with something bigger,...[ read more ]


  Anger has been known to cause one to make a poor decision. It is because of anger that people have hurt people that are close to them. When one comes to the realization that they have an anger problem, they should ensure that they seek help. There are however ways in which one can manage anger on their own....[ read more ]

Bad Actions vs Bad Identity

Have there been times when you have been pretty tough on yourself? Would you happen to be your worst critic? Truth be told would you call yourself a perfectionist. And how are you doing with perceived failures? The things that we tell ourselves, about ourselves many times has originated from programming that we received long before we can remember. At some...[ read more ]

“Why Can’t Anyone Hear What I’m Really Trying To Say!!”

Ok, how do I say this without feeling like I’m sounding dumb? I know what I’m feeling but I just can’t communicate my emotions into words. Uhgh! That’s not what I meant, you misunderstood me....  Any of this sound familiar? Have you ever found yourself being frustrated and feeling like everyone only hears what you're trying not to say? Have...[ read more ]

What Happens When You Step Into The Room?

  If you have the time, I would like you to take a moment to think about what happens when you enter the room.  Do you bring peace or does everyone want to leave out of the room, run or hide?  Sometimes we direly seek to have peace in our marriages and relationships,  but the energy we carry inside is toxic....[ read more ]

Has Anxiety Been Blocking Your Success?

A while back I posted a video by Will Smith where he talks about his confrontation with fear and anxiety.  Smith described himself to be out socializing with some friends when the idea to go skydiving came up.  At first glance, this really seemed like a great idea. His friends were very excited about the idea of making the trip.  At the time everyone, Smith included was...[ read more ]

Anxiety and Our Obsessions About What Others Think

You know in life we often get easily influenced by what we think that others think about us. I like to refer to this as being obsessed with others thoughts. This is a form of anxiety that often paralyzes our freedom to be ourselves.  Don't be discouraged if you experience this type of anxiety.  Being obsessed with others thoughts is...[ read more ]

How To Find A Mental Health Counselor Who Accepts Medicare

  Finding a Medicare provider for mental health counseling services can sometimes be a headache. Depending on what insurance plan you have been enrolled in, or whether it is a Medicare Advantage plan such as Blue Advantage or Humana, you may find it difficult to find the mental health therapist who accepts Medicare.  It is my intention to share with you...[ read more ]

1955 Rideout Dr. Ste 400
Huntsville, AL 35806
(256) 212-0567

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