5 Important Relationship Questions You Need to Answer

A couple hugs while smiling at each other. Learn how to have a happy relationship. Learn how to have a happy marriage in huntsville Alabama. Get couples therapy in huntsville, Al. Get online therapy in Alabama from Aspire Counseling and Consulting Services. Learn how couples therapy in huntsville, al.
You’ve probably heard this a thousand times, but here it is again: Relationships are tough and they require constant work. You and your partner have to be ready to put in the work every single day, and one way to do this is through constant evaluation of your relationship.
Here is a list of some important questions to answer both individually and as a couple. These questions will give you a clearer picture of your relationship.

1.     Do you feel safe in the relationship?

In your relationship, you should be able to really be yourself without fear of being judged. Do you feel like your partner has the capability to stick with you through tough times? If you were to experience physical disability, would your marriage or relationship partner stick around? If it is difficult for you to answer this question, seeking professional help can provide a safe place to talk about this.
 Couple sitting at table smiling talking. Find a therapist near you who accepts online therapy in alabama. Learn about how you can keep smiling in your relationship with couples therapy in huntsville, al.

2.     Are you both happy?

As humans, we rely on our romantic relationships to provide us with some level of happiness. Having bad days is normal, but if your relationship is fraught with anxiety and tension then there might be a problem.  If you find yourself feeling sad or angry more than you feel happy, then you need to do some evaluation. Relationships require work but they shouldn’t drain you emotionally or affect your mental health.
Asking the question “Am I happy in my marriage or relationship,” can seem like such a broad question. But is it really that broad?  Although most of us do not always know exactly why we are unhappy, we generally know if we are not happy in our marriage or relationship. Asking this question is a major point to become grounded, and understand the realities of the relationship you are in.

3.     Do your plans and visions for the future align?

To strengthen your commitment, you need to agree on your vision and goals for the future. Is your partner ready to show up, do the work every day and accept you fully without harsh criticism? You need to be sure they are in it for the long haul and you’re on the same page about what’s important to you in life.
As relationships grow things often change. This is not necessarily a bad thing however, with age, we mature over time. Some of us become more immature. It’s important to understand that just because one partner has started to grow, It does not mean that the other marriage, partner or relationship partner is growing as well.
Couple in Counseling. Example of how couples therapy in huntsville, al may be important to maintain vision for marriage and relationships. Contact a marriage counselor in huntsville al.

4.     Are your arguments healthy?

Arguments are normal, but how you argue matters. Are you able to keep your arguments from getting out of hand, find a way to calmly discuss and reach a solution? You need to argue in a way that makes both parties feel heard.
However, if you have problems with anger management, there may be things provoking you buy your marriage or relationship partner, that you were consciously unaware of .  If things get violent often, then you need to rethink things and get support immediately.
Aspire Counseling & Consulting Services offers anger management and domestic violence classes to those who are in need of intervention. Experiencing the support of a professional allows each partner to put things into perspective and make wiser decisions.

5.     Are you sexually compatible?

Sex is important in any romantic relationship. Are you physically attracted to each other? Do you agree on issues relating to sex such as when and how it occurs?
Has your spouse been depleting you have sex, or are you getting more than what you can handle?
If one person feels sexually deprived or pressured to do things they aren’t comfortable with, it could lead to conflict. It’s a great idea to create a safe space in your relationship where you can openly talk about your sex life.  These conversations do not need to be argumentative. Arguments and conflict involving the subject of sex are often a symptom of deeper issues in the marriage or relationship.
If you answered yes to most/all of the questions above, then you and your partner are probably in a great place. If not, carefully reflect on the questions and revisit them when you’ve had time to think about them properly.
It’s also a great idea to have a third party ask questions that are too tough to ask yourselves. If you’re struggling with these questions, and need a therapist to talk to, please give us a call. We would be happy to discuss how we may be able to help.

Begin Marriage or Relationship Counseling Huntsville, Al

A woman smiles while sitting across from a person with a clipboard. This represents the support a counselor for teens in Huntsville, AL can offer with therapy for teenagers in Huntsville, AL. Learn more about therapy for adolescents in Huntsville, AL today.

If you decide that you are interested in finding an experienced counselor to assist you and your marriage or relationship, Aspire Counseling & Consulting Services is a great place to start. Invest in your marriage. Our team of therapists would be happy to offer support from our Huntsville, AL-based practice. Start your therapy journey by following these simple steps:
  1. Start interventions to support the growth and intimacy of your relationship.

Other Services Offered With Aspire Counseling

Counseling for couples isn’t the only service offered at our Huntsville, AL-based practice. Our team is happy to offer multiple services in support of your mental health. Other services offered include individual counseling, anger management therapy, anger management classes, therapy for teenagers and adolescents, and depression therapy. We also offer support with continuing education, overcoming eating disorders, and offer online clinical supervision for social workers. Please feel free to visit our blog or FAQ for more helpful info! If you need more information about our rates, accepted insurance, and services or are ready to begin counseling services, please do not hesitate to call or visit our blog for more information.

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Huntsville, AL 35806

(256) 212-0567

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